Ultra Battery Saver Lite
Save your battery by 50 % more without compromising Email Syncs and Social Feeds.
Save your battery by 50 % more without compromising Email Syncs and Social Feeds.
Wring is a free alternative to paid caller tunes.Choose any song from your phone and no monthly fee
Tired of Missed calls ? VoMail provides free Voicemail service for networks that don't provide the service
Always Keep track of your visited locations.Receive alerts on your visited Locations !
Save your battery by 50% more without compromising email syncs and social feeds.Full version with 3G and Bluetooth buttons.
Run a IVR system from your android Phone without any infrastructure cost.Automatic Cloud uploads for voicemail and SMS.
Location based social networking.Find route to your Buddies , Drop a pin and share that location to your Buddies and SOS features.
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